Rag Harp

Made from upcycled t-shirts, conductive fibers, running on Adafruit Feather Bluetooth. A work in progress made in collaboration with several amazing people and has gone through many iterations including a miniature prototype.

Find code on GitHub to build your own and turn some rags into a musical instrument.

Concept drawing by Madison Telles 2019

Concept drawing by Madison Telles 2019


Rag Harp Concept

This musical sculpture is being created in collaboration with members of the MIX Fiber Arts Guild. Rag Harp is made partially from recycled textiles and contains embedded electronics. When complete the harp will be a mobile environment for creative expression.

The MIX Fiber Arts Guild is an interdisciplinary community of makers, artists, and engineers meets at GMU's Mason Innovation eXchange (MIX) to work on collaborative projects combining art and technology. The group participates in projects related to sustainable fashion, upcycling, wearable electronics, toy hacking, and fiber arts.


Ongoing: Circus for the Future


MIDI Projects